Many Tax filers in Canada are always questioning whether gifts such as money to and from family is taxable in Canada. If you have received money from a friend, and or relative what are the tax laws in Canada behind this? This also works the other way if you have given your children a ...
Many Tax Filers are in urgent need of receiving their T4 online. Whether it is to gain a copy for personal records, retrieve your T4 for tax filing, and or showing proof of income to your bank for loans and or mortgages. The T4 is a very important tax document as it lays out your inco...
Canada has many tax treaty's with many other countries especially with the United States. If you have made money outside of Canada it is very important that you claim that income on your tax return. The Canada Revenue Agency is very good at receiving reports of income made outside...
When are taxes due in Canada 2022? Our new tax year is coming right up and after a long 2021 with covid changes in our tax system we are finally here to submit your taxes on time. If you are looking for important deadlines for the tax year 2021 to be filed in 2022 you came to the righ...
Do welfare recipients get tax refunds in Canada? A lot of welfare recipients ask our company if there are ways of getting a tax return in Canada. Should they file a tax return even though their income is low? Are there any credits that you can receive such as GST/HST, child tax ...
Having your CRA Account Locked can be very frustrating when trying to access your information. Even the smallest of mistakes such as entering your password or user ID wrong a few times can create your account to be locked. In the more recent months, the Canada Revenue Agency locked ou...
Misplacing your CRA My Account password can be very frustrating at times especially when you need to access your information. Our guide below will show you exactly how to reset your CRA password in order to login into your account online. Many of our customers need their access to the...
Filing a tax return can be daunting when filing by yourself. Many individuals may not have all slips on hand when they are ready to file and that can cause some extra headaches along the way. The most common slip to lose is their official T4 slip. The main question that many tax...
Line 15000 is probably one of the most important lines on your tax return. This line is key as it is used by many such as banks, loans officers, The Canada Revenue Agency, and Lawyers. The reason why this line is so important is that it is typically the total of all your income. ...
The Capital Gains Tax in Canada is an important part of your tax return. The Canada Revenue Agency charges a capital gains tax on all Assets and Investments that you would sell as a profit. Many people come across this tax when they have sold a rental property, stocks, and many ...